Blessings to you, brethren. During this time when we can’t be together, we thought that many would like to take the time to learn more songs, so we’ve made recordings of some songs with which the church isn’t familiar that brethren may learn them and sing them on their own. We’ve used a piano for the first two verses of each song to help folks get the timing and melody as closely as possible. The recording isn’t great, because it’s been made using old equipment (all we have, sorry). Grace be with you.
Brother Martin Vendryes
25-Jesus, The Name High Over All
28-How Can A Sinner Know
36-Come, Sing My Soul
37-With Harps And With Vials
38-Meet and Right it is to Praise
47-Jesus Shall Reign
49-Father of Uncreated Light
53-Come, O Thou Traveller Unknown