Dealing with difficult questions

As a continuation of our apologetics series, we’re engaging with the big questions that trouble people when they consider suffering, free will, fate, and other investigations into life’s purpose and meaning.

Interested guests are welcome to drop in or tune in to the local FM broadcast at 6:30 pm on Sundays, or check the website later. Listeners may be surprised to discover that the Bible has profound answers to these difficult questions. The messages (in sequence) can be found by clicking this link.

Apologetics Series

As part of our outreach to provide comfort and hope to our community, we’ve presented an introductory series of messages on Christian apologetics to help people effectively engage common contemporary claims that faith is blind and without evidence.

What we have attempted to do is present to our community (interested guests are welcome to drop in or tune in to the local FM broadcast at 6:30 pm on Sundays) the logic of belief in a Creator, the reasonableness of personal faith in God, and strong grounds to confidently believe the good news that Jesus came to bring. The messages (in sequence) can be found by clicking this link.

Hundreds of Sermons Added to this Site

I was looking through the back end of this website recently and I noticed, literally, over 500 sermons from the past 10 years or so that were available but not showing up on the website for some reason so, I added them for you all.

If there is a certain sermon from that time period that you have been looking for, you should be able to find it by scanning our sermon page.

Unfortunately, the dates did not populate properly so you will not be able to search by date, but, if you click the filter button on this page, you can, at least, search by Preacher.

There is much work yet to be done on this website and I appreciate your patience as I seek to make it more, user friendly.

I also will be posting some new messages, exhortations, and encouragements from numerous brothers over the next while as the Lord leads the brethren and plan to add some this evening.

May the Lord Richly Bless You!